Robotics and Tech-assisted Solutions Bring New Hope for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation is a condition that’s morphed into a serious health concern worldwide. The condition, in which a person’s heart beats out of rhythm, puts the person at an increased risk of stroke and other cardiovascular complications, besides causing general discomfort. The heart’s ability to pump blood is also compromised as a result of atrial flutter. Browse the full Report of Global Atrial Fibrillation Market : The condition is expected to affect nearly 12 mn people worldwide by 2050, prompting public healthcare agencies to formulate ways to tackle the imminent burden of atrial fibrillation. All of these factors have put the global atrial fibrillation market on the path to strong growth. A new report now available on Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) states that the global atrial fibrillation market had a valuation of US$6.1 bn in 2012, and will rise in value to US$14.8 bn by 2019. The con...