Robotics and Tech-assisted Solutions Bring New Hope for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a condition that’s morphed into a serious health concern worldwide. The condition, in which a person’s heart beats out of rhythm, puts the person at an increased risk of stroke and other cardiovascular complications, besides causing general discomfort. The heart’s ability to pump blood is also compromised as a result of atrial flutter.

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The condition is expected to affect nearly 12 mn people worldwide by 2050, prompting public healthcare agencies to formulate ways to tackle the imminent burden of atrial fibrillation. All of these factors have put the global atrial fibrillation market on the path to strong growth.

A new report now available on Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) states that the global atrial fibrillation market had a valuation of US$6.1 bn in 2012, and will rise in value to US$14.8 bn by 2019. The condition sees medical practitioners make use of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to treat atrial fibrillation. And now, the latest trend in the market is the use of robotics and technology to provide relief to patients suffering from this condition.
Robotic treatment procedures that are bringing a change to the way cardiologists treat atrial fibrillation are as follows:
  • In a recent instance, medical experts at the Florida Hospital Cardiovascular Institute used robotic assistance for ablation, a process that entails applying heat to burn the tissue that’s causing atrial flutter. Likewise, cold energy is also sometimes applied to the tissue to freeze it with a similar aim. Doctors from the institute made use of the Stereotaxis V-Drive Duo robotic system, which offers magnetic navigation to help surgeons operate more than one device simultaneously. In this particular case, one robotic arm was used to deliver the catheter whereas the second one gave doctors real-time visuals of the area being operated upon.
  • The MAZE surgery is being widely used to treat atrial fibrillation. The procedure entails making incisions on the right and left atrium. These incisions help by forming scar tissue – a poor conductor of electricity – that disrupts the abnormal path taken by electrical impulses. Besides interrupting the course that the erratic electric impulses follow, scar tissue also prevents the recurrence of abnormal electrical signals in the heart. The atrium is then sewn back together.
  • Several improvements have already been made to the MAZE surgery, leading to the development of procedures such as radiofrequency ablation (also known as a modified MAZE surgery). A major advantage radiofrequency ablation offers over conventional MAZE surgery is that surgeons don’t need to cut or sew heart tissue. The time taken for the procedure as well as the hospital stay is thus reduced. Radiofrequency ablation achieves this by targeting radiofrequency waves on a specific area so as to form scar lines gently yet precisely on the heart's surface. The creation of these scars helps correct the path of erratic electrical impulses.
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The use of advanced technology and robotic assistants is poised to help cardiologists and cardiac electro-physiologists to treat even the most complex arrhythmias, presenting new hope to patients suffering from atrial fibrillation.

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